Friday, July 25, 2008

SHUT-UP and drive!!!

Going down the road at any given time I can count at least 10 different drivers talking on their cell phones......while driving.....

A few times I have almost gotten into an accident with a driver not paying attention switching lanes. They never turned their heads to look either in their mirrors or to the lane they were getting into.
Granted, I do know of situations that a cell phone would come in handy. Reporting law breakers, and emergencies. That's it. Other than that it is all frivolous!! A call is not SO important that you have to take away your attention from driving to answer the damn thing!!!! Is your life or others' not important enough to you?
I have even witnessed a woman come out of the Police Station, get into her car in front of the building and it's wall of windows, get her cell phone out and dial while lighting a cigarette with her other hand, then start the car and shifting her STICK SHIFT into drive before pulling out into traffic without looking, steering with her knees. *sighs*
I can't wait till a law is passed where it is illegal to be on a cell phone while driving. So far, you have to be pulled over for something else to be charged. The bluetooth earpieces are a bit better because your hands are mostly on the wheel, but your attention is still occupied with the conversation. Have you ever tried to have a conversation without paying attention to the other person when you can't see them? It's not easy. So how can you expect to drive while talking to someone on the phone.

This is just a really big subject that pisses me off. You're probably saying, "Other things while driving can be just as bad if you think that way.!" I agree!

Putting on makeup
Doing your hair
Fighting with your undisciplined kids in the backseat
Changing CDs/messing with Radio

Keep your damn eyes on the road and your friggin hands on the wheel!!!! How hard is that?!?!?!

*sighs* I need to stop this post before I blow a major vessel. This is how I feel, and if you don't like it, tough sh*t.

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