Thursday, August 14, 2008

In the fiery furnace

Ok, who ordered Wenatchee to feel like the fiery pitts of HELL!?! Sheesh! At the moment it is 96....and holding.....but tomorrow, oh yeah, tomorrow it will be 102. Followed on Saturday with 104. Remember my last post about the Back to School Giveaway? Think about it.........yup. HOT! Then on Sunday it will be cooler.......100. We plan on going to my church's BBQ that day. Thank goodness it will be at a park near water.


Suburban Gorgon said...

Guess I probably shouldn't tell you it is supposed to be 80 degrees here tomorrow, huh? said...

Hello! Just came over here via your friend Suburban Gorgon!

I feel for you with those temps! I'm in Alabama, so normally we have scorching weather AND crushing humidity into October. But we have top temps in the upper 80s/lower 90s this week. Lucky us!

Have fun at the park!