Thursday, October 23, 2008

Move over bacon.....!!!

Well, it's official. I am now on my way to losing weight. It isn't the best way, by far, but it is getting results.....slowly but steadily. I don't know how much I have lost because I don't own a scale, yet. It is enough to show, though! YAY!

The way I am doing it is basically cutting my calories back DRASTICALLY. I maybe eat between 500-800 calories a day. Yes, I am always the point where my tummy talks to everyone in a growly I know it isn't healthy, but it's my body. I am, at least, taking a good complete vitamin every day to make sure I am getting some kind of nutrient support.

My goal is to lose 80 lbs. It would be nice if I can lose 20-30 lbs by Christmas. I am going to start up walking here in the very near future to speed up the process. I want to be back down to my size 8 that I was when my hubby met me. I used to think I was fat back then, but now that I have surpassed that weight with flying now consider that a damned fine size. It's amazing how life goes about putting things into perspective.

So, I will keep you posted to the weight loss. I do plan on getting a scale to mark my progress.

1 comment:

Suburban Gorgon said...

Good luck - that is so hard to do. People underestimate how much effort it really takes to lose weight.